Time flies unfelt. 2007 is gone and now we are embracing 2008 with new hope and plans. With each passing year, we set many resolutions. Some are fulfilled, some are left unfulfilled and some are carried forward. I did not post this article in January to join in the rat race to affirm my resolution but its timely now too because it is the 4th Day of Lunar Chinese New Year – the year of the Rat.
“Let Go” has being ringing in my ears and heart since last year. There are many things I have faced and gone through throughout the years; some pleasant and some unpleasant. I wish to cast off the excess baggage, both physical and emotional, to emerge leaner and meaner to face the New Year and each passing day. It is quite habitual for me come every end of the year to clear my office drawers, table and my own bedroom stuff. It is easier to let go of the “physical baggage” compared to the “emotional baggage”. Things that happened in the past may have influenced our current actions. We read and were told that we need to let go and dump the unhealthy excesses of emotional baggage. Unknowingly, these have often become our stumbling block which weigh us down and prevent us from being able to move on with our lives to find happiness and success in relationships, business and family.
In October last year, my best friend Phyllis gave me a book – “Self-Empowerment” - autographed by the writer Bridget Menezes. She passed it to me in the evening when we attended the talk by the writer. Towards the end of the evening I flipped the book and saw a bookmark which came with the book. I could not believe my eyes when I saw the bookmark entitled “Let Go”. It was just like a confirmation of my lingering thoughts that it was high time to “let go” of certain matters. Is it a coincidence? I believe all things happen for a good reason. I like to share the wordings on the bookmark.
It is great to be in control, and it is great to let go,
Let go for your expectations and fixed ideas about how things should be done.
Don’t try to force things to happen.
Just do as you can, then step back and see what takes shape.
If you feel responsible for someone else’s mood or emotions let this feelings go.Relax and allow new positive influences and options to emerge.
Yes, a good resolution to think about and a good one… “Let Go”.