What does it mean? Maybe we have rendered that act or received that act many times in our life unnoticed. I mentioned about the random act of kindness I received when I was child - a free kindy education.
I read a book about “Random Acts of Kindness” and the followings are an extract from the editor’s note on what it meant.
“Random acts of kindness are those little sweet or grand lovely things we do for no reason except that, momentarily, the best of our humanity has sprung, exquisitely, into full bloom. But it is when we step outside the arena of our normal circumstances, when we move beyond the familiar emotional and circumstantial boundaries of our lives enter the realm of the extraordinary and exquisite. Instead of being responsible good deeds they become embodiments of compassion.
To become the perpetrator of random acts of kindness, then, is to become in some sense an angel. For it means you have moved beyond the limits of your daily human condition to touch wings with the divine. No longer circumscribed by can and must, you have set your soul free to give for the sheer, beautiful sake of true giving. In giving freely, purely, for no reason and every reason, you move into another person’s emotional landscape- not because you must, not because you have no choice, but because in your heart, that majestically super-human organ, the castle of your love, you have felt the spiritual necessity of acting out of your love.
To become the person who behaves in this way is to be twice blessed. For, in enacting these beautiful, spontaneous, wholly gratuitous goodness, you transform not only the world, but yourself.”
Yes, to those friends and good samaritans who have rendered that random act of kindness in my life that gave me warmth and cheer to my heart……. May God Bless You wherever you may be. Especially, to my best friend Phyllis.
Yes! nothing will stop us to render the random acts of kindness. Is there anything holding us back?
The best portion of a man’s life his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love.
- William Wordsworth
mbGf, thanks for sharing.
This little poem of Rev Henry Burton is especially dear to me -
Pass It On
Have you had a kindness shown?
Pass it on.
‘Twas not given for thee alone,
Pass it on.
Let it travel down the years,
Let it wipe another’s tears.
‘Till in heav’n the deed appears -
Pass it on.
Liet the singing of a bird?
Pass it on.
Let its music live and grow
Let it cheer another’s woe.
You have reaped what others sow -
Pass it on.
‘Twas the sunshine of a smile -
Pass it on.
April beam a little thing,
Still it wakes the flowers of spring.
Makes the silent brids to sing -
Pass it on.
So, let’s pass it on, mbGf.
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Yes! Pass it On.
I rememember a song we use to sing during those days in school pinic campfire. Like keep the fire burning and pass it on.
Our kindness can be like fire that kindles burn and pass it on.
Thanks for that lovely poem. Keep up your good deed mbgf.
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Sincere acts of kindness, without any ulterior motives, are the hallmarks of a saint; it’s a form of charity purely from the heart. Such acts are truly remembered with great respect.
Mother Teresa said:
“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”
Grellet said:
“I shall pass through this world but once.
If, therefore, there be any kindness I can show,
or any good thing I can do,
let me do it now;
let me not defer it or neglect it,
for I shall not pass this way again.”
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Hi! Joepsc
Thanks for quoting what Grellet said. I use to have that postal many years ago which i placed at the doorway of my x-office as a reminder. It’s so close to my heart. Cheers!
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I remember the song Try a Little Kindness — Johnny Cash? (joepsc can confirm this — he’s the walking encyclopaedia…)
Sandra — even planned acts of kindness in entertaining Desi in Kuching to fatten him up are/will be apprecviate.
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Hi! Desi,
You have just done it! To mentioned that “planned acts” which I don’t account for it, is already kind of you to remember it. Always welcome. So you see the good effect of your random acts of kindness by never stingy with your good words and make someone feel good. The blessings also goes to mbgf. Good day!
Hello, I came here from Yan’s blog. I was just humming the tune, Try A Little Kindness this morning and now, reading your blog, I see it mentioned here again. My mother has always taught us that the world is round and what goes around always comes around. Who knows the act of kindness you do unto others will be returned to you in mysterious ways :)
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High 5! BKworm,
What an affirmation! Agree with you of what our folks use to say. “What goes round will come around”. Same with unkindness. So we choose, kindness. What a virtue. You have a great mum.
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The Random Acts of Kindness are achieved by those are friendly and kind enough to act. But how often can this happen in the world we live in? We should render this act as often as we can to make the world a better place to live in.
Hi! Steffan,
Its very true to what you said. Lets not care what others don't do.
Let us be the one. You can make a difference by doing it. Cheers!
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